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Georgia Southern University Interdisciplinary Academic Building

Enhancing Performance at Georgia Southern University's New Academic Hub

Farnsworth Group teamed up with Georgia Southern University and GSFIC to ensure peak performance for a multi-story, 110,000 GSF academic hub. The new multi-purpose classroom building serves a cross-section of academic disciplines, including interior design, fashion merchandising, apparel design, history, foreign languages, writing, linguistics, international studies, and other departments in human ecology. 

Our mission was to make this space breathe efficiently. We designed and executed ventilation systems, giving new life to the structure while recovering valuable energy, resulting in indoor air quality and energy savings. The ventilation systems were designed and commissioned to deliver full building energy recovery. This initiative led to exceptional control over indoor air quality and energy efficiency. 

By crafting the chilled water systems to integrate into future district-wide infrastructure seamlessly, we paved the way for expansion. Our commissioning professionals reviewed the existing distribution systems and controls and recommended linking five more buildings to District Energy Loop #2.