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Glen Oak Street Improvements

New Elementary School Drives Street Improvements

Farnsworth Group provided design services for an eight-block, $1,800,000 reconstruction of deteriorating bituminous and brick City streets surrounding the newly constructed four-square-block Glen Oak School.

The newly constructed school and streets serve as an anchor for the revitalization of the Glen Oak Impact Zone and East Bluff Community. Two blocks of Wisconsin Avenue, Republic Street, Maryland Street, and Kansas Street constituted the reconstructed eight-block area. Wisconsin Avenue was resurfaced with newly constructed curb and gutter alignments and a raised intersection at Frye Avenue utilizing "New Urbanism" criteria and principles which provided a pedestrian friendly crossing to access the new school. Republic Street, Maryland Street and Kansas Street were completely reconstructed with a traditional cross section. In addition to the roadway construction, newly constructed sidewalks, lighting, and streetscape were provided. Along Maryland Street bus loading zones were provided adjacent to the school to safely allow children access without impeding local traffic.


Glen Oak Crosswalk
Impact zone improves safety with new crosswalks.