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Illinois Wesleyan University Energy Master Plan
Illinois Wesleyan University Energy Master Plan

Charting a Sustainable Future with the Illinois Wesleyan University Energy Master Plan

Farnsworth Group is providing comprehensive campus-wide energy management master planning services for Illinois Wesleyan University. This initiative encompasses 37 existing university facilities and any new projects undertaken within 12 months.

Our scope of work includes:

  • Establishing goals and benchmarks for enhanced energy efficiency.
  • Crafting a robust campus metering and sub-metering plan.
  • Formulating a measurement and verification (M&V) strategy.
  • Developing a tailored energy dashboard.
  • Implementing a monitoring-based commissioning (MBCx) plan.
  • Evaluating and recommending a Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FDD) platform.
  • Undertaking retro-commissioning of select existing facilities.

Our dedicated team is laying the groundwork for data-driven improvements in facility quality, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability. These improvements involve continuous energy benchmarking and the production of monthly progress reports. The investments in system upgrades and replacements provide valuable insights into facility operations and performance. Our approach simplifies data organization, analysis, and decision-making, empowering the university to make informed choices for a greener, more efficient future.