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Multiphase Project Develops Strategic 20-Year Plan

Under our On-Call Services Agreement, Farnsworth Group completed the first two phases of a four-phase project providing planning services.

The goal of the initial effort was to provide Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA) with a comprehensive analysis of the organization’s current and future housing and office space needs. The second phase created a high-level strategic plan to meet the organization’s needs up to 20 years into the future.

This project helped RFTA develop a management philosophy and long-term strategy for efficient utilization of their office and housing needs. Under the first two phases, our team conducted an Owner’s Project Requirements workshop, involving selected stakeholders, to confirm project requirements, success factors and expectations. Our team also completed an extensive data collection and analysis of existing conditions to help RFTA understand their office and housing facilities. The team obtained a broker’s opinion of value and other details to assign preliminary programming to the efforts. Our efforts were summarized in a Property Conditions Report with recommendations for improvements.