Farnsworth Group Wins ACEC Colorado Honor Award
Fort Collins, CO...The American Council of Engineering Companies-Colorado awarded Farnsworth Group an Honor Award for its design of a new headworks and dewatering facility for the South Fort Collins Sanitation District.
South Fort Collins Sanitation District needed a new headworks building to replace the existing headworks that was limited in hydraulic capacity. The new building footprint is 120-feet long, 65-feet wide and the bottom of the wetwell is 40-feet below grade. The facility has a hydraulic capacity of 18 MGD. This building houses 3 influent barscreens, 2 grit removal systems, fl ow measuring system, and the 5 influent pumps. All influent pumps are in a wetwell/drywell configuration for easier maintenance. Each influent pump is 100 hp, which results in a firm pumping capacity of 18 MGD
In addition to the new headworks building, the District also needed to increase the capacity of the sludge dewatering and disposal system. The new dewatering building houses all the equipment related to sludge dewatering. The facility is two stories high with a partial basement and is 53-feet by 58-feet in plan dimensions. The basement houses 3 sludge feed pumps (2 duty and 1 standby). The ground floor has the dry polymer batching/dosing system on one side and a drive through truck bay for haul trucks. The upper floor has all the electrical equipment, and can accomodate 2 dewatering centrifuges. Each centrifuge is capable of dewatering sludge fed at a 300 gpm rate with 1% solids concentration. Solids are conveyed to the haul truck by a shaftless conveyor.