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Normal Roof Assessment

Roofing Assessments for Normal

Farnsworth Group completed an assessment of 33 roofing assemblies at municipal buildings throughout the Town of Normal, Illinois.

Each assessment documented roof type, condition, issues of concern, estimated remaining service life, and replacement cost. Historical information about each roof, including warranty and related data, was also assembled. The assessments used the Town’s 3-tier rating scale of “Green”, “Amber”, and “Red”, each of which is further divided into Plus, Neutral, and Minus sub-categories. Structures included a train depot, museum, historical building, fire stations, police station and public works building.

A detailed written report was provided for each building which included:

  • An Executive Summary Narrative.
  • Detailed Field Observations and Re-Roofing Recommendations.
  • Separate Repair and Re-Roof Cost Estimates.
  • Overall Aerial Photo of the Roof.
  • Photos of Particular Roofing Conditions and Deficiencies.